Endo Articles
Freezer Friends: Egg Freezing and Fertility Talks at The Butler
Blog writer, Lotte, shares her experience at the Sydney Freezer Friends program.
Bulk Gives Back Grant Winner: Coffee Catch-Ups Program
Yay! We are the proud winners of a $1000 grant for our Coffee Catch-Up program, generously granted by Bulk Nutrients.
Heat packs with heart: Natalie van Dartel shares her journey
Natalie van Dartel was 24 years old when she was first diagnosed with endometriosis. Her words on the experience: “scary, sad, and confusing”. Now, through play with colour and textiles, Natalie has transformed her diagnosis into a soaring small business that she runs with her Mum.
Cosmetics founder, Maddie Burton, on chronic illness and low-tox beauty
Endo Articles chatted to Maddie Burton, founder of Your Bliss, about some of the ups and downs of working with endometriosis.
Struggling with cramps? Our top tools for pain relief
At Endo Articles, we know that finding the right pain tool can be life changing. That’s why we’ve collated a list of our favourite tools for effective pain relief from 100% Australian companies.
Menstrual Cups v Disks
Menstrual Cups and Menstrual Discs: What’s the difference and what is right for you?
Is Your Flow 'Normal'?
We’ve all thought it: ‘is this normal or…?’. This article takes a deep dive into when your period is clinically considered ‘heavy’.